As web developers, we use so many different tools everyday. We can easily forget about everything we depend on. In the spirit of the new year, I want to take a moment to recognize all of the great products and projects which help me be the best developer I can be.
There's a saying out there, "You're only as good as your tools." (1) (2) This rings true in many different professions and in life. Tools that make you better at what you do are generally a great investment - typically risk free.
Here are my favorites. I use these every day, if not, every week.
- rbenv (Ruby version manager): if you don't use it, start using it today
- foreman (process control): start your Rails process, workers, etc. with one command
- Google & StackOverflow: the world's largest documentation cache
- tmux & tmuxinator: Check out my sample configuration for tmuxinator
- git & GitHub
- Sublime Text 3 and countless plugins (PackageControl, BetterCoffescript, Git, GitGutter, Pretty JSON, TrailingSpaces, Solarized)
- vim
- Rubygems
- ssh: connecting to remote servers and setting up ssh tunnels
- scp: copy files securely to servers via ssh
- OS X screenshot shortcuts & annotations
- Chrome developer tools: take time to learn the power in your browser
- better_errors gem: replaces the stardard Rails error page with a live REPL
- jazz_hands gem: give yourself a greatly improved Rails console
- zeus gem: preload your Rails app to improve boot time for console, rspec, etc.
- bundler gem
- rspec gem (testing framework)
- Semaphore (continuous integration): runs your specs so you don't have to.
- Code Climate (automated code reviews): alerts you of problems as you push new code
- Trello
- ( replacement): Set it and forget it user-curated radio