Podcast Episode #11: Ryan Singer of 37signals

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For this episode of my podcast, I was joined by Ryan Singer, a designer at 37signals who kids that his "cocktail title" would be a product manager. Much of what I know about web design comes from listening to what Ryan has to say on the matter, and I really appreciate the time he spent with me.

We talked about how teams work together, design, how work gets prioritized, and the kinds of things that influence their decisions - about both design and the process of getting their work done.

Ryan shares some great insights, and I hope you find the talk as valuable as I did.  As always, you can listen right here in the post, or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.

Ryan writes regularly on the 37signals blog Signal vs. Noise and occasionally posts articles on his site feltpresence.com, where he's also posted some great videos of talks he's given.  You can follow Ryan on twitter at http://twitter.com/rjs.

Thanks again Ryan, I really appreciate you joining me.

And lastly, as has been the case a number of times, the intro music comes by way of the Smashing Pumpkins and their Teargarden by Kaleidyscope project.


The People and links Ryan mentioned: