Podcast Episode 15 - People didn't leave radio, radio left the people

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In the latest episode of our podcast I'm joined by Shawn Campbell, the founder of CHIRP radio, a community radio station in Chicago.

Shawn built CHIRP from the ground up with a slew of volunteers, and now organizes over 200 people that bring 21 hours of live on air time every day.

You can hear the passion Shawn has for radio and what it means to her when she's talking, and her story is a real inspiration for anyone looking to make their dent in the world.

During the course of building CHIRP, Shawn has run web and mobile development projects, fundraising efforts, applications with the FCC and a host of other things. The workload seems almost unimaginable, and yet, she and her team built a radio station from scratch in America's third largest city.


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